**Note from Mama Lynda. . . as Porter talks about his sweet experience baptizing Pedro (below) keep in mind. . . just 4 weeks ago (Dec. 30, 2018) Porter shared a story about a group of teenagers who, every time they saw Porter and his companion walking down the street, they would start yelling every swear word they knew in English. After that happened a few times, Porter was over it, so he said to the group. . . “Who wants to hear about Jesus Christ?" Immediately Pedro (15 years old) was the ONE who said “I do! Come over to my house tomorrow.” So they did. That sweet boy is now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his parents will likely be baptized soon as well. Powerful stuff!

Hello lifeforms from the normal life realm. I wonder how things are out there.

This week I got kicked in the children like 40 times every day by the devil. It was ridiculous hahahah. He would try to make me feel bad for like tying my shoes wrong or closing a door wrong or unplugging a fan wrong or pouring water wrong haha like literally the most nutty things. The fool gets desperate on us sometimes. Something that is super important is that we cannot start to believe the things he is telling us. There isn't a wrong way to tie your shoes, or put water in a cut or zip a zipper or anything absurd like that hahahaha.  I won't lie I started to believe some of the things he was telling me and it made me a little sad, and then I would like get sad because I was sad and it was just a freaking STUPID cycle. We cannot let that cussbag start to tell us everything we do is wrong. The way you tie your shoes is perfect. (:

On Friday Elder Nye and I taught this lesson to a less active chick and her neighbor. I was having a really hard time staying focused and feeling the Spirit and it was kindof rough for me. I said a prayer and the Spirit was like dude, just really try to focus on them, so I did. After I made the decision to just listen to what these dudes were saying, everything changed. I felt like I should share my testimony with them, and it got so emotional so quick. It went from being such a doozy of a lesson to an incredible and needed experience. This whole lesson turned into a something super spiritual because I just chose to listen. Something I think that's super duper interesting is that I believe each one of us has people in our lives that need to be heard. People that are right in front of our faces that we need to listen to. As you listen and try to help your loved ones, out of nothing less than love, I promise you that you will see changes in your lives, and the lives of all those around you. Take some time to just listen.

The Iago baptism fell through... but the Pedro baptism was so good. I had such a beautiful and special experience. Never have I had a feeling such like I had in the font with this kid. Right as I started saying the words for the baptism I froze and started to get so emotional, and then I noticed that Pedro was super emotional too, and then I baptized him and good grief I have never felt like that. After I dipped him, he came up just bawling and he gave me the biggest hug ever and was just like "I love you dude” and we just hugged in the water for like 30 seconds and it literally brings me to tears thinking about it. This gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ is not for the perfect. It is exactly and specifically for those who sin, those who smoke 150 cigarettes a day, those who have problems with self harm or cannot see the purpose of living another day. I testify as a representative of Jesus Christ that this gospel is for you. For all of your imperfections and infirmities that you believe cannot be taken. I bear witness that the love of our Savior can take away anything. You are everything to Him, and He will do anything just to see you be happy. Let him take care of you. 

This week I listened to a BYU Devotional by Elder Uchdorf called “Can You Hear the Music.” It changed my life. I want to focus on a few things before I close this email. First, our Savior is real. He lives, He breathes, and He knows you. I really feel like people look over that, when someone says it, so go back and read that sentence again. The Creator of this world has a body, He can talk, He cries, He has hair. He is REAL. His gospel, the true and infinite power that is held within it, is not for the perfect. It is for you and me. The complete and utter imperfect. Your mistakes, your imperfections, your downfalls, your heartaches will never make you unqualified for the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. I promise you with all that I have that the Savior's love drowns out any pains that we feel, any mistakes that are made are erased, and an infinity of love and happiness is felt when we come to our Savior. Nothing you can do, or have ever done in your life is greater than the love the Lord has for you. That love outweighs everything. I bear my testimony to you guys that I know our Lord and Savior lives. I know that He has marks on his immortal body because He chose to suffer and die for you. His love is available. Ask for it.

Alright, last thing… honestly, we have been having some minor malfunctions with some members here. I just wanna say something super quick. This whole world is full of some pretty freaking stupid people hahah. Like really next level morons. I want you guys to always remember who you are, and not let those super special people ever come between you and the Lord. Don't forget the feelings that the Spirit brings into your lives. When times get tough, remember those feelings that pulled you close to the Lord, and when people enter in your life who are just trying to give you a nice jimmy punch, and nothing more, don't ever let them affect your feelings between you and Jesus. I know this church is true with all that I have, and I also know that people all around the world leave the church because of people who think it's their job to correct everyone. Please never forget the reason we are in this Church is to follow our Savior, and not some power hungry fool.

I love you guys. Shoutout to all my buddies serving the Lord together, love you guys.

Random story. There was a sign in the middle of the street and Kevin told me to jump it, and my manhood was not about to get challenged, so I jumped it and on the other side was like a foot of mud haha. Luckily only my buns got a little bit muddy.

Pedro and I - January 26, 2019

Pedro and I - January 26, 2019

Kev and I forgot the font was filling up on Saturday so when we got to the church it was just overflowing everywhere

Kev and I forgot the font was filling up on Saturday so when we got to the church it was just overflowing everywhere

Dirty buns

Dirty buns